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Ph archivio studio M. Biffi
Muratura "povera" antica, costituita da pietre locali e laterizio.
E' stata operata una stilatura con malta di calce e sabbia di fiume con inclusione di inerti di calibro maggiore (ghiaia di fiume).
In precedenza sono state rimosse manualmente le parti decoese (già staccate) e pulita la superficie con spugnature, spazzola morbida e acqua.
Wall "poor", made of local stone and brick.
We made a fill in with mortar of lime and river sand with inclusion of larger caliber aggregates (river gravel).
Previously we removed manually detached parts, clean the surface with a sponge, soft brush and water.
Wall "poor", made of local stone and brick.
We made a fill in with mortar of lime and river sand with inclusion of larger caliber aggregates (river gravel).
Previously we removed manually detached parts, clean the surface with a sponge, soft brush and water.
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Ph archivio studio M. Biffi
Intonaco di calce e sabbia steso su muratura antica precedentemente pulita con acqua e spazzole morbide.
Impasto tradizionale tinto con pigmenti naturali e ossidi.
Texture contempranea: compatta, opaca e stonalizzata.
Plaster of lime and sand spread on the old wall, cleaned with water and soft brushes.
Traditional mix dyed with natural pigments and oxides.
Contemporary texture: compact, opaque with strong tone contrasts.
Traditional mix dyed with natural pigments and oxides.
Contemporary texture: compact, opaque with strong tone contrasts.
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